Thursday 10 November 2011

Like Water for Chocolate - epic fail

Like Water for Chocolate is a popular novel published in 1989 by Laura Esquivel.

The novel follows the story of a young girl named Tita who wishes to marry her lover, Pedro, but is forbidden because of her mother's upholding of the family tradition of the youngest daughter taking care of her mother until the day she dies. Tita uses cooking to express herself and this theme is carried out in the way the book is structured.  It is divided into twelve sections named after the months of the year with each section beginning with a Mexican recipe which outlines the preparation of the dish while tying it to an event in Tita's life.

I admit from the start I didn't really give this book much of a chance.  I completely disagreed with the notion of having to look after your mother until the day she dies. Don't get me wrong I love my Mum and will always care and look after her, but at the same time I will live my own life.  Poor Tita wasn't even allowed to look twice at the opposite sex! 

I really did try to enjoy the story and hidden life messages as it was a gift for my birthday however, the more I read, the more I disliked the story.  Honestly, it was one of those books you just couldn’t wait to finish. 

For me the way the novel was written was erratic and the spiritual and supernatural elements were, in my opinion, just odd. 

I am positive I have completely missed the point with this novel and missed all the hidden messages about love and life.  I also know there are probably lots of people out there who love this novel - unfortunately it just wasn't for me. 

Signing off
Em (hoot hoot)

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Vampire Academy - seven book series!

ad·dict·ed, ad·dict·ing, ad·dicts
To occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively.

Hi, I'm Emma and I am addicted to the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead.  Actually to say I am addicted is an understatement.  On Wikipedia it warns that addiction can be viewed as a continued involvement with a substance or activity despite the negative consequences associated with it.   
Reading the Vampire Academy books caused a number of negative consequences for me including - a lack of sleep, an inability to distinguish between reality and fiction (no Emma, the characters are NOT real!!) and various mood swings depending on whether I was happy with the direction the story was going.  For example, I think it was after the third book that I refused to read any more as I was angry with what had happened - but boy was I happy that I caved in and continued reading.

I was honestly not surprised that I found myself addicted to another vampire related story.   
It wasn't difficult to get addicted to this series - it is well written and very imaginative.   Again I am amazed at how easily I am transported into the fantasy world of a novel.  It is my escapism from reality - I love it and look forward to it. 

Signing off
Em (hoot, hoot)

Monday 15 August 2011

The Last Song - Nicholas Sparks

Up until three years ago I would have said crime novels and fantasy (vampires and magic) were my favourite genres to read.
Today however, I am finding I'm reading a lot more autobiographies, romance and drama novels - and I am really enjoying them.

Described as a love and coming of age story, The Last Song is possibly my favourite Nicholas Spark's novel (so far!) - it was also my fourth book in the Novel Challenge. 

The story that unfolds is unforgettable and is about love in its different forms - first love, the love between friends and the love between parents and their children.  It demonstrates the many ways that deeply felt relationships can break our hearts... but also heal them.  I am really looking forward to seeing the movie!  I am definitely one for reading the novel first and then watching the film.  I think it makes the reading experience that more enjoyable as you are made to use your imagination to its fullest potential.
The only reason this novel didn't receive five stars is because I just didn't want it to end. 

Like all the books I read - I recommend this to anyone who is interested in reading about a summer love story that may or may not stand the test of time.   However, make sure you have tissues handy - one thing is for sure, where there is a Nicholas Sparks book, there are tissues a plenty.

Signing off
Em (hoot, hoot)

Monday 1 August 2011

The Choice - Nicholas Sparks

Firstly a huge thank you to a good friend of mine for introducing me to Nicholas Sparks in the first place.  Although I am beginning to think I shouldn't thank her as I have not read one of his books so far without tears of either joy or sadness. 

His books are emotion and thought evoking.   The Choice is a true love story and I honestly don't feel I should say anymore because it will ruin the book.  All I will say is whoever reads this novel - it doesn't matter if they're female or male - they will fall in love with Travis!  Without a doubt.

Signing off
Em (hoot, hoot)

Monday 18 July 2011

City of Glass - Cassandra Clare

Welcome to my blog - Night Owl.
Why 'Night Owl' you might ask?? Well this is a blog about the novels and when I think about when I find time to read, it is 99 per cent of the time at night. 

The first couple of blogs are from my MS Novel Challenge personalised page.  However, I have slightly altered the text here and there.  The MS Novel Challenge is where I first found my love for writing about the books I read.
Here it goes...

It felt so good to read again with and for a purpose.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE reading all the time, it's just that when I read for the Novel Challenge I feel like I am accomplishing so much more! 
I have finished my first book in my three month challenge - City of Glass by Cassandra Clare.  I had already read two of her previous books in the Mortal Instruments series and enjoyed them immensely.  This one was no exception.Stephanie Meyer (internationally bestselling author of Twilight) said "The Mortal Instruments series is a story world that I love to live in. I hate to see the story end, but if it has to end, then City of Glass is the most perfect way for that to happen. Beautiful!"  I couldn't agree more. 

Signing off
Em (hoot, hoot)