Monday 15 August 2011

The Last Song - Nicholas Sparks

Up until three years ago I would have said crime novels and fantasy (vampires and magic) were my favourite genres to read.
Today however, I am finding I'm reading a lot more autobiographies, romance and drama novels - and I am really enjoying them.

Described as a love and coming of age story, The Last Song is possibly my favourite Nicholas Spark's novel (so far!) - it was also my fourth book in the Novel Challenge. 

The story that unfolds is unforgettable and is about love in its different forms - first love, the love between friends and the love between parents and their children.  It demonstrates the many ways that deeply felt relationships can break our hearts... but also heal them.  I am really looking forward to seeing the movie!  I am definitely one for reading the novel first and then watching the film.  I think it makes the reading experience that more enjoyable as you are made to use your imagination to its fullest potential.
The only reason this novel didn't receive five stars is because I just didn't want it to end. 

Like all the books I read - I recommend this to anyone who is interested in reading about a summer love story that may or may not stand the test of time.   However, make sure you have tissues handy - one thing is for sure, where there is a Nicholas Sparks book, there are tissues a plenty.

Signing off
Em (hoot, hoot)

Monday 1 August 2011

The Choice - Nicholas Sparks

Firstly a huge thank you to a good friend of mine for introducing me to Nicholas Sparks in the first place.  Although I am beginning to think I shouldn't thank her as I have not read one of his books so far without tears of either joy or sadness. 

His books are emotion and thought evoking.   The Choice is a true love story and I honestly don't feel I should say anymore because it will ruin the book.  All I will say is whoever reads this novel - it doesn't matter if they're female or male - they will fall in love with Travis!  Without a doubt.

Signing off
Em (hoot, hoot)