Monday 18 July 2011

City of Glass - Cassandra Clare

Welcome to my blog - Night Owl.
Why 'Night Owl' you might ask?? Well this is a blog about the novels and when I think about when I find time to read, it is 99 per cent of the time at night. 

The first couple of blogs are from my MS Novel Challenge personalised page.  However, I have slightly altered the text here and there.  The MS Novel Challenge is where I first found my love for writing about the books I read.
Here it goes...

It felt so good to read again with and for a purpose.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE reading all the time, it's just that when I read for the Novel Challenge I feel like I am accomplishing so much more! 
I have finished my first book in my three month challenge - City of Glass by Cassandra Clare.  I had already read two of her previous books in the Mortal Instruments series and enjoyed them immensely.  This one was no exception.Stephanie Meyer (internationally bestselling author of Twilight) said "The Mortal Instruments series is a story world that I love to live in. I hate to see the story end, but if it has to end, then City of Glass is the most perfect way for that to happen. Beautiful!"  I couldn't agree more. 

Signing off
Em (hoot, hoot)