Tuesday 15 May 2012

So many books, too little time

Over the years my taste in genre has changed significantly.  I was really narrow minded in my early adult years and just stuck to reading crime and fantasy novels.  While I still read these genres (and they are my favourite), I now also read biographies, history books, drama and romance just to name a few. 

The sky is the limits!!

While this is positive with regards to opening up to different worlds and styles of writing – it also means there are now so many more books that I want to read.  The back log of books that I have on my ‘to read list’ is enormous.

But just the thought of that pile of books makes me smile – it’s a good issue to have.  I'm looking forward to reading each and every one of them and most of all I'm looking forward to blogging about my thoughts and experiences while on my reading adventures.

Signing off
Em (hoot, hoot) 

Thursday 10 May 2012

If my life was a movie

It would probably be entertaining to most! 

Drama, drama, drama!! That is what makes up much of my life.  I'm a self confessed drama queen but I think I have the right to be, well most of the time anyway. 

Yes there are a lot of good things in my life, such as love, family, friendships, success, celebrations, loyalty – the list could go on. 
BUT, it also includes those dark and depressing elements of life such as betrayal, failure, disloyalty, disappointment, uncertainty.  It is also full of those events that catch you by such surprise that they completely shatter what you thought you had.  These surprises happen way too often for my liking and are entering all parts of my life that I care about.   
My life has a lot of light and shade – you could say it is the recipe for a good novel or film.  Whatever it may be all I know is at the moment I’m making the most of the light while I can.  When you think about it, it's really unfortunate that although life is made up of good and bad, it's the bad elements that we fixate on.

Having re-read the above, I guess the only thing that’s missing from my life is a fantasy or supernatural element.  Although I have always believed our house is home to its own not so friendly ghost!!

Signing off
Em (hoot, hoot)

Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Lucky One

Ok, so originally I wanted my blog to be all about books – books, books and more books.  The problem I have is that I love my movies nearly just as much.  I also found that while I was watching a recent movie – The Lucky One – I kept thinking about blogging about it.  
The great thing about my blog is that it's my own and I can do whatever I want with it.  I think you know where this is going; so this blog is from now on not just about my love for novels – it will also be about my love for films and at times other random thoughts that may or may not be related to anything in particular.   
Okay - the Lucky One is based on a Nicholas Sparks novel.  Now if you have read my previous posts you will know that where there is a Nicholas Sparks novel, there are usually tissues a plenty!!  I was only recently introduced to Sparks so unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to read the novel.  When I saw the movie was out at the cinemas, I didn’t really mind as I sometimes enjoy not knowing what to expect in a film.
The story is beautiful both in a happy and sad way.  During the entire film I felt like I was part of the journey and was riding the emotions with each of the characters.  There were moments where I was on the edge of my seat and others where I laughed out loud.  However, I also felt so sad that I got a lump in my throat and cried on a couple of occasions.
I thought the actors chosen within the film were good choices. I can't comment on whether they were right for the roles based on the novel however, they were definitely perfect on the big screen.   I was not familiar with a lot of the actors and sometimes I find this refreshing.  The only actor I was familiar with was Zac Efron.  Boy, has come a long way from his High School Musical days – he played a completely different character, a challenging character, and I personally think he did a superb job. 
This is another movie for my DVD collection!!
Signing off
Em (hoot, hoot)