Tuesday 15 May 2012

So many books, too little time

Over the years my taste in genre has changed significantly.  I was really narrow minded in my early adult years and just stuck to reading crime and fantasy novels.  While I still read these genres (and they are my favourite), I now also read biographies, history books, drama and romance just to name a few. 

The sky is the limits!!

While this is positive with regards to opening up to different worlds and styles of writing – it also means there are now so many more books that I want to read.  The back log of books that I have on my ‘to read list’ is enormous.

But just the thought of that pile of books makes me smile – it’s a good issue to have.  I'm looking forward to reading each and every one of them and most of all I'm looking forward to blogging about my thoughts and experiences while on my reading adventures.

Signing off
Em (hoot, hoot) 


  1. I find the problem with expanding your reading horizons is that the TBR pile/list is forever expanding and I feel guilty about going back to read something I’ve already read

  2. I would love to be able to read a book twice. I use to be able to BUT now there are just so many books that I can't wait to read.
